this is a dhow. a traditional fishing boat of tanzania. this is what i "caught a lifti on" (or found a ride on) with my bike accross a bay in zanzibar.

so, as you might have read last christmas i went snorkeling. and you might have read about the evil sea urchin attack of 2005 (that occured on my feet) and well these are the boots that i found that would prevent this from happening again. so once again, practicallity over style in my book.

so this is my good friend amanda. itis her website that i am stealing photos off of. i would use my own photos, but come on you know that i am lazy!

so, my friend amanda says to me, "jane turn around" so i do. but the walking stick that i am using finds its way to my foot just intime for her sto snap a picture....lovely. you dont think i am over dramatic do you?
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